Friday, May 27, 2011

New Stuff Part 2

Well, here is the "inked" part of yesterday's work. The outlines are all done, now onto the painting part. Although, I do like this inked version of the piece, so I will save a copy of it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Stuff Part 1

Here is more Concept Art for a project of mine called "Storm Carrier." 
Here is the 72 dpi version of what I've begun. I've started the inking process, all in Illustrator, and it's far from done. I'm experimenting with a technique using the pen tool that lets me control the width of each line. If you're familiar with Paint Tool SAI, it's similar to the tool used in SAI that controls the line weight (I forget what it's called), only more difficult because it's all done manually. When I begin to perfect it better, I plan on doing a tutorial on just how I do it. 
Anyways, the actual outlines are outlines of the outline of the whole figure, if you know what I'm talking about. Once I'm done the lineart in Illustrator, I plan on importing it to Painter and coloring it from there, and the final piece will have no black ink lines. These outlines for an outline are going to be my guide for when I paint the final piece of where the outline of the figure begins and ends.
Anyways, here's a larger 300 dpi piece to show you just what I mean:
As you can see, the lines are a bit squiggly, so I'm going to have to fix that with the smooth tool and some manipulating of the line vertices.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Design Layout

So I've been meaning to redo the layout on this blog for a while now, but couldn't really think of anything cool for it. As I was reading through the older entries on this blog though, I came across a design I had done for a friend of mine a little while back, and decided to revamp it so that it fit my new business theme, so to speak, which I call elegant space.

Trying to match the colors of the blog itself to the new background image proved to be a pain in the neck, but I'm happy with the final result.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Concept Art

A simple model sheet for my next project. I had to experiment with different styles for this one.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Well, what do you know?

New stuff!

Anyways, this is an illustration of a character from a project for my Digital Storytelling class. I'm in the process of revamping the storyboards and creating an animatic from them for my portfolio. The video and boards will probably go up on here sometime soon as well.

I'm not dead....

::cough:: Just buried under piles, and piles, of...stuff for school and other projects. There's going to be some new stuff on here soon though. Hopefully, very, very soon.